OPEN Mondays at 6:00 p.m.
Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 1020 State Street, Spearfish, SD

Volunteer Jobs

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men…It is the Lord Christ you are serving”   Colossians 3:23-24


“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the Harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”  Matthew 9:37-38


“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the Christ.”  Galatians 6:3


Professional and lay volunteers from our community staff the clinic each Monday night. Volunteer opportunities exist on our Faith & Care Ministry Team, Administrative Ministry Team, and Medical Ministry Team.

  • During volunteer training, specific job duties are identified for each volunteer based on their work area.
  • All volunteers sign a confidentiality form prior to beginning their volunteer experience at GSC.
  • Volunteers arrive prior to 5:45 p.m. in order to set up their designated work area, put on name tags, sanitize hands, and prepare for servant focus time.
  • Each clinic night begins at 5:45 p.m. with a time of servant focus.

Faith & Care Ministry Team

Team members work together to provide a safe and caring environment for all who walk through our doors each Monday night.  We want patients to feel welcomed, accepted, and valued.  This is done by providing hospitality through greeting people, providing, refreshments, listening, and offering prayer when requested.

  • Patient Screeners…The patient screener is the first person each patients visits with when they sign in for the evening.
  • Hospitality….The hospitality volunteer helps to provide a safe, friendly, and welcoming environment by setting out food and refreshments, visits with patients, and maintains the kitchen.
  • Hospitality Food Providers….The food providers donate sandwiches, fruits, and vegetables and other healthy snacks so that volunteers and patients are able to have a light snack throughout the evening.
  • Prayer Volunteers….The prayer volunteer leads the opening servant focus time at 5:45 p.m. and during the clinic, listens, encourages, and ministers with those patients or volunteers who request prayer.  
  • Resource Specialists…The resource specialist assists patients in finding needed resources in the community that may be required in addition to their medical and dental concerns.  This may include needs for transportation, shelter, food, gas, personal care items, etc.
  • Facility & Exam Room Management…Set up clinic floor plan and prepare exam rooms.

Administrative Flow Team

Team members work closely together to determine the patient’s eligibility and coordinate the process of their medical care.

  • Patient Flow Managers…The patient flow volunteer assists and directs each patient through the clinic process.
  • Eligibility Advocate…Through an interview process, the eligibility advocate is responsible for determining the eligibility of each patient, during every visit to the clinic.   This volunteer is the “gateway” for the patient into the clinic and the initial advocate for each patient.
  • Medical Records Volunteer… The medical records volunteer is responsible for pulling, organizing, creating, and filing charts, filing lab results, and maintaining weekly clinical statistics.

Medical Ministry Team

Team members work together to provide appropriate medical care for patients.  Current licenses are required for all medical team volunteers.

  • Health Care Providers…The doctors, PAs, and CNPs provide health care expertise, document treatment, order referrals and medications, ensure follow-up of ordered tests, and follow GSC’s medication formulary guidelines.
  • Nurse Coordinator….The nurse coordinator provides clinic-wide knowledge and makes sure that all areas of the clinic are running smoothly.
  • Nurses…The nurse is the first medical person to see the patient.   The nurse triages patients, obtains and records vital signs, medications, allergies, and patient complaint information.
  • Pharmacists…The pharmacist educates patients about their medication, documents medication,  issues prescription vouchers, and follows the GSC prescribing guidelines.

Dental Ministry Team

Team member work together to provide appropriate emergency dental care to identify the source of pain, relieve the pain, and eliminate oral infection.

The dentist conducts a patient exam which includes digital radiography and an exam to determine emergency dental need.  Information gathered is then provided to a participating Northern Hills dentist who has agreed to provide emergency treatment at no cost to the patient.